The principal behind commitment is to build a powerful habit. If you are committed to do every day one thing, what can you except form it ? You can except that it will grow and transform itself in something beautiful. Also if you are dreaming about abundance and life without worries, commit to yourself to do every day one thing extra. Find something that you love, and do it everyday. But do not except success tomorrow. Except it in 5-7 years. You will not make huge amount of money in one day except if you won lottery. Be patience, do not lose your patience for nothing. Because if you lose it, you will lose yourself and you will quit. Everything you do, you need to seek greatness. The fact about patience is: The patience is so easy to lose and so hard to get. Also if you commit to yourself, that you are going everyday do one thing and have a patience, you will with the time achieve your goal. There is also a hack how can you speed up a process. You need to work as crazy. Average human being is working 40 hours per week.
You need to do 80-100 hours per week. And in 4 months you will achieve what the average one will achieve in 1 Year and you still have 2 days for yourself. You need to go 110% all in. The question is are you ready to make that commitment. Most of the people are not. But believe it or not, the future you will be grateful if you do it. Its 5-7 Years of your life so you can live the rest of your life like a King. The thing about success is that everything is a process. And be ready to make mistakes, because that fact is they will come. When the mistake comes you need to show your character, you don’t need to give up. Never, ever give up. The fact is that average people are doing few or none mistakes and the successful one are doing much, but they do not give up because they know that from every mistake they will learn something. And you need to believe. How can you achieve something if you do not believe that you are going to achieve it. Also the self confidence. Also if you are ready to fulfill your purpose and your dream, start working now. NEVER GIVE UP and BELIEVE and YOU WILL ACHIEVE !!! THANKS FOR READING !!!
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