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The Life is Beautiful

How to change your life

The Life is Beautiful

Everything you see, everything you feel and everything you think is just your point of view.

Sometimes it is hard to change life, especially if we are to bounded to ourselves. But if we wish to achieve more of the life, if we wish to achieve things which are heart is seeking, for witch our hearth is burning, then the change is natural. The life you are having right know is always going to bring the same results. If you wish to change your results, if you wish to live a better life, one which you know deep within you that you deserve, then you need to change yourself.

The changes are not so hard to do but they are always painful. Reason for that is that, when we try to change something on ourselves mostly we are trying to change some bad habit. The bad habits is so easy to develop but also so hard to live with them. The reason why most of the people never change is because they are to bounded for they ego. Our ego is our worst enemy. To change your life you need to change your ego, you need to develop a better one, the one which is going to be your friend. Self-awareness is the key of success. In those moments when you are trying to change something on yourself trough the self-awareness you are going to be aware that you need to push it forward, that those moments of the pain are going to pass away, and that the other side of the pain is growth. 

The thing is that our mind is really powerful, and also the truth is that our mind is so made that, he does not love to leave the comfort zone, but only when we leave the comfort zone we are also able to growth. The reason why mind is tricking us is because the mind is working like that. If he notice that something is feeling unpleasant, he is going to calculate so many results just to trick you, because he thinks that he is in danger. Its like surviving instinct which we need to learn to control and not always believe it. If you wish to believe someone on the first place, then believe in yourself and in your hearth, because know that only your hearth knows what is best for you, even if sometimes you get that cozy feeling that you are following the wrong path. 

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