Forgive Yourself, Love Yourself and Accept Yourself
Love Yourself
Not so far along in The Land of The Rising Sun lived a boy. He seamed normal as every other boy out there but the fact is he wasn't, he was really special, he was extraordinary. At his puberty age he was in high school like everyone else. He was awesome, only the best grades he had. The school was his priority, good grades was his priority, but somehow with the time hes priority's changed. He found something that he love, that he is passionate about, something when he was doing it, the time would stop. Every morning when he woke up hes first thought was that one thing. He woke up every day early in the morning and stayed late in the night doing it. The one thing became his main priority, hes purpose, he was breathing for it. How he was more occupied with it, he became bad at the school. The friends make jokes out of him, laughed at him and at the end they leaved him. But he was ok, he was ok on his own, because he was doing the things he love, he was enjoying the life. The one thing was his life, hes first love, the first love but not in the human form. Because he was in the high school he get in love with a beautiful girl, and he started to love her, with all his hearth, all his soul. There wasn't a thing that he would not do for her.
When they were together the time was freezing. He experienced the emotions of true, clean and honest love. He was stun’d with a girl, but how time was passing he started to notice a things. Things that he didn't like on her. Less did he know that he should not watch on a things that he don’t like on her, he should watch on himself and how to improve himself so she can love him even more. Slowly the love started to fade, and he decide to take back to hes one and only love, to the One thing. He was in relationship with a girl but he also never stop'ed to do one thing. He decided to break up the relationship. It was painful time for both. The girl started to go outside with one of his best friends, then she started to go outside with all boys he didn't like and she knew it. Less did she know, that she was not trying to repair the situation, because at the start the boy wanted that they are together one more time, because she meant everything. He was also ready to sacrifice hes one thing, only for her. She became hes motivation to be the best in one thing he was doing, in thing he loved. Less did she know that he was ok on hes own and good with himself because he was doing what he loved. These days the boy is a man, but he did not change, hes the old one, hes the boy in the body of a man. Today he is also doing one thing, only these days its a different thing. And he will never quit it, until the job is not done. Thanks for reading !!!
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