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The Power of Beautiful Words

Human Manipulation

words as a tool of manipulation

The Power of Beautiful Words

What if I tell you that the kids are the best manipulators on the World. Will you believe me or you will say that I am crazy. The fact is that they are. Manipulation is the skill that every human being learns as a kid, as a child, but most of the people have forget how to do it, and those that did not are probably dirty rich. Also explanation. Manipulation is the way of getting from someone what you want. That is only possible to do with good and beautiful words not the bad ones. Why only with the good ones. Also you, should be really aware if someone talks with you with only good words, because he got a secret motivation, he is trying to get something from you. Also, our kids are really the best Manipulators out there. 

When the Kid want something from parents he will be so kind to you, he will be so cute with you, he will only talk with you with positive words because of the reward he/she is trying to get and then when they get it, they reward, they are doing whatever they want to do. That's the simplest example One can find. Like I already said its a skill that we develop as kids, some of us are developing it further and some quit. One that can manipulate as such is very dangerous, because you cant never know what he is thinking, because maybe he is lying all the time just to get the info or something from us. Also what do you now think about your government and your religion, its not important what for religion you have. The fact is that I will not talk against government and religion. We need it, everyone have the right to believe in what he want, I personally chose to believe in myself. 

We need a government too, because most of us are sheep's. Most of the people need someone to follow because they are lost. Why did they lost ? Because they are afraid to dream to visualize, because they are living in the past, because they do not have goals in life, because they do not believe in anything and in none, because they are waiting they last breath so they can die in agony, because they do not know self control, because they lost patience, because they lie, etc… I don’t wanna judge, every human being can live how he/she will, but I decided happy to be. But to all of you that are reading this, take control over your mind one more time, conquer your mind and you can conquer anything. And watch out of almost everyone that is trying to speak to you with beautiful words. If he/she are doing so, in most of the cases they are trying to manipulate you, they are trying to get something from you. Thanks for reading and God Bless you all !!!

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