The Garden of Eden
The Most Beautiful Flower
Its not a rose even a rose looks and smells really beautiful and they said that rose is a flower of Eden. The most beautiful flower are human beings. But sad part about us, is that we are almost all lost. We allowed it to our selfs. Yes I know, its easier to be lost and don’t do a thing, then to find yourself and start doing something with your life. Somehow we forget on water and every flower needs a water. We are all born as a original and it seems like we are actually all somehow copies. Thats mainly because we are living from today until tomorrow. Because we are lazy, because its easier to sit on the couch and doing nothing. Less do we know that doing something with our life is a water that we seek so much. The purest water is when you decide that you are going to do what you love. Most of the people are doing opposite, they are doing what they hate and because of that they hate them selfs.
Hate will never be able to bring a fruit in our lives except wars. Yes the wars are fruit of the hate. Only love is possible to bring you fruit that you're looking for. Only your love and nothing else. If you hate, decide that from today your going to love yourself. Why to be in fight with yourself and don’t like what you see in the mirror when you can have opposite. Only thing you need to do is to decide. From that point on your lock and loaded to go. Changes can be that great, but only if you find a courage to make them. Why to be disappointed with your life when you can be happy. People will talk, so what. Everything they said are they opinions and as such they have nothing to do with you. Thats the fact show me that you can be fearless, but most of everything show it to YOURSELF !!! Thanks for reading !!!
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