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Those Moments in Your LIFE

The Best Moment of My Life

Funny thing ! Most of us are afraid of pain. But asian population actually enjoy it. There is even a quote that  says “ Pain is the samurai !”. the best moment of my life was actually when I found myself at the bottom of the life. And there I experienced enormous psychical and spiritual pain. The pain that man can not describe. But the pain that was at the end clearance of my dark soul. Yes, strange, maybe one ask himself, how can best moment of your life be the moment when you felt enormous pain. IT CAN !! And believe me or not the pain should also be your best moment of your life. In pain you find yourself, you see how little you are, how far from perfection you are, how one break through, how one sets a goal, how to beat laziness, how to keep clearance of your soul and your mind. All those things are positive or am I wrong ? Those are fruit of the pain. Its actually funny that one needs to suffer only he can realize such a things, but if its so I'm ready to suffer every day until the last day of my life. It was a blessing. Few people know that only the pain is able to bring wisdom. My pain changed me, changed my character, my life, everything about me. I found my inner peace and now I know how to keep it. And the most important thing in life is inner peace. That your ok with yourself. Somehow when almost all human beings are in fight with them selfs, I found myself one more time. My pain was sent to me from me. She came because of me, because of my mistakes. Now one can say  Yes but now you know how is it feel and your not going to do it again “. and my answer is “ Yes I know, but I'm still willing to feel the pain, I'mm still willing to do mistakes because they will bring me the pain and the pain will bring me the wisdom !” Maybe it sounds crazy in your ears. But in my eyes thats the only way that I'm willing to croach. The fact is that every time when we do mistake we are learning. And we adults are only possible to learn through the pain. Its not that I'm going to do same mistakes. I'm going to do another mistakes, mistakes that I'm actually not aware or even maybe I am. But those mistakes will bring me the knowlege I am seeking with all my hearth and all my soul. The fact is that we can only improve ourself if we are doing mistakes. And these days I'm commited to self improvement and not self destruction. Thanks for reading !!!

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