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The hardest fight one can lead is the fight against himself. And what is the human being if its not able to win against himself. Its never easy and It will never be easy but its only way, the only rod if we are ever going to build an unbreakable character. Its also the way of learning how to be humble. Every time when thus wins against yourself you will see that you are not so perfect as you thought and that there are so many things you can improve on yourself. You will become a perfectionist. You will know that you are not perfect and you will never be, but you are going to start seeking it. You will start to win against the habit of procrastination because shes the one that keeps you away from your dreams. When you notice that you cant more, that you are tired, you will go even further,  because you will not want to quit. Soon will you see that everything was actually a mind play, that you are not tired as you thought and that you have enough energy to go further. You, human being are ultimate adopting animal. There is nothing on this world you cant get used to. And more you do it, every time you are going to be better, because the truth is that your character is made of habits and that the only right way of living is to change your bad habits for the good ones. Thanks for reading !!!

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