Seeking The Holy Grail
Human Being As a Holy Grail
We, humans, all human beings should start to be aware of ourself's, of our existence. Less do we know and less we are trying to inform ourself, but we are unity of 3 things. We are not human beings as one, we exist out of 3 separate elements. We exist out of our body, our spirit and out of our mind. Our body as such is our Holy Temple. In that temple are living our mind and our spirit ( our soul ). Because of that fact, our health should always be on the first place.
We should not be afraid to visit a doctor if we are not feeling good. If we think that we don’t have a time, we should think again. Because its our health, our health comes in question. Our soul and our mind are in most cases not in harmony, they are heaven and hell, good and evil, ying and yang. To bring these two in harmony, there is only one way and its called self conscious , self control. We need to introduce ourself's to power of the will. Our mind can destroy our life if hes no controlled, thats the fact. He can be our worst enemy or our best friend.
There are only three possible ways to do it:
The First one : To believe that we can do it.
The Second one : We need to pray or we can choose third one, The Third one : Through deep meditation.
With the time we will become aware of our thoughts and we will be able to change them, for example: To change bad thought for a positive or good ones !. Our soul is our life. Our soul is that little voice that always speak within us, the voice that whispers and that makes our dreams came true. Using the power of the will, we need to decide, that we are not going to speak a word when we are talking with someone, until we don’t get a feedback from that voice. This process will make us conscious of that voice. We need to listen him. If hes judging or if hes saying that we do bad things, things we don’t wan't to do, we need to change him doing opposite. Its necessary that we have a control over our mind and our soul if we wanna live in harmony with ourself's. Take the control over yourself, take the control over your body, your mind and your soul and make your dreams came true. Thanks for reading !!!
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