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Abundance in Life

Abundance in Life

If we look in the nature even in our won world, we will see that abundance is everywhere where we look around, abundance of threes, abundance of birds, of grass, of cars, of houses. Why is it then that most of the people these days are living on the edge of existence. First of all, we need to know that wealth we need to deserve. When we deserve it it will come alone upon us it will flow to us naturally. Also lets take a look how does live the average person and the rich one. Lets say the both of them will get a 20 000$ and they can spend it on everything they want. Lets see the difference in the way of thinking. The average one is probably going to buy himself a good car or take long vacations or both. But the rich one will maybe by a car for 2-5000$, 10 000 he is going to put in circulation also hes going to invest it and maybe make 20 000$ out of it and only 5000$ or even less hes going to save. As we can see the rich one is not going to spend all his money, hes going to try to make out of the money even more money or he will try to buy cheap things, because cheap things are also doing they purpose and he will always put some money in circulation to get even more. Also to know, our world without is a result of our world within us. Majority of the people are these days, hating, are jealous, not willing to help, judging, etc… Thats the reason why all people are not rich. Because the soul with such characteristics is a poor one. Abundant soul is the one that loves. The wealthy people are in most cases the people who are living other characteristics. The prove is that every product is helping in some way or another with something, its making some sort of the job easier to do and who is these days willing to help. Thanks for reading !!!

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