Freedom of The MIND
Freedom of The Mind
These days and especially in our system its really hard to achieve freedom and clearness of the mind. But everything that is hard at the end it pays keep trying it. In the moment when we realize that when we are talking with someone, that we are just exchanging our thoughts, our opinions, we are on the good way to achieve the freedom of our mind. Because people are speaking what they are thinking. When you look at the things so, and so it is, you will see that you don’t need to know to read human thoughts, you already know how to do it, you just need to listen. From that point of view when someone hurt's you with words, its actually not that others hurt'ed you, its you who hurt'ed yourself, because you take'd the opinion from the other guys or the girl you was talking with and you looked it from your point of view also you looked at it as it happened to you. Thats the reason you get hurt'ed. To avoid such a thing, we need to learn how to watch on the things from speakers point of view. Its always better to do it and we will also be able to better understand the one with we are talking.
And also the benefit is that we are not going to get hurt'ed. Achieving the freedom of the mind we will also be able to achieve the clearness of the mind. That means that we are also be able to focus more on particular things and that we will not have negative thoughts. Clearness of the mind is one can say nothing else then the state of mind, your mind is clear and you are able to focus on what you wish do to or achieve in your life. Sadly really rare characteristic these days. Mostly, because people are not self conscious about there existence and they are taking thoughts from other people as they own. Very dangerous thing to do, because with the time you are going to lose yourself. The fact is that kids are possible to focus on everything but we adults can learn that characteristic one more time. The secret lies in trying, more we try it, better we are going to be and with the time we are going to achieve it and we are going to be able to focus only on one particular thing at the time, our mind will stop wondering and go to the places where we don’t want that he goes. One can say that we are going one more time take the control over our mind. Thanks for reading and if you enjoyed it, don’t forget to subscribe.
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