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I choose a life of respect, a life of respecting other human beings but the only human being I am respecting more then other is I. Never more will I respect and run behind others if they don’t first do that for me. I will take the lead but if I see that I am not getting same in return I will just live, but before I live I will anonunce them the only right thing - The Truth. Every thought you have is nothing else then an impulse, a idea that come from the place of infinite ideas. Did you ever asked yourself how they are steeling your ideas. One of the methods society is using to steal it from you is not direct asking for it but indirect. The method is to come to the man from which you wanna get the idea and then show him something that he made bad and then ask him how he can repair it. The method is actually really simple but it works every time. Majority of the people will come to the idea how they can repair it not even noticing that, thats a new idea, how to make something better. Your chef is maybe doing it with you all days long even that you are noticing it. My tried also on me, first time he succeeded, but at that moment he gave me the stress. I was calm because I don’t allow myself a stress no matter what a situation. But when my mind noticed what he did, I waited for my opportunity to say him that I know what he did. And what did happened when I said it to him. Nothing he did not wanna argue with me anymore, because he knows that I know what he did, and how he did it. Maybe the best way to say the truth is that you not say it directly, you do it indirectly you ask a question in which the whole truth is. At that particular moment you're not the one who's verbal attacking other human being, you are just asking the question and hes the one that gives himself a answer. I did it with my boss a and I do It everyday with others also because I'm living the truth. The truth is my life style. When you set that question you are opening the doors of his mind and hes going to take a look whats there, and every time hes going to find himself there. If he decided to react angry, its not you who hurt'ed him on the contrary he did it to himself. The ideas should be paid, but there are so many ways one can steel your ideas and thats the only one of them. Also next time don’t answer automatically, make the pause, think, and decide are you going to allow to someone that he enters trough the doors of your mind. Because when you do, those doors will always be opened for him until you choose to close it. Respect your chef but be aware. Your boss should be your servant. You are the one who is selling to him your free time because he alone cant make job done and he needs help from someone else. Be yourself on the first place no matter what. If you are not going to set yourself on the first place noone else will do it for you, after all, allow to yourself to be happy and to love yourself. There is nothing bad In loving yourself. Thanks for reading !!!

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