Knowledge As a Weapon
Knowledge As a Weapon
They said that the nuclear bomb is the most powerful weapon out there. But the truth is that its not. The knowledge is the most powerful weapon one can posses. Lets look it this way, do you really think that without knowledge we would even be able to discover the nuclear bomb ? The fact is that we wouldn't. But also the fact is that knowing something is not enough. We need to transform our knowledge in to the action. What does it means ? It means that only knowing it you cant achieve a thing in life, but if you start using it, when you start practicing it, you can achieve everything you set your mind to. We had an example and it was a nuclear bomb. The nuclear bomb is made because the knowledge is set in to the action. Like already said only when we start using it, its possible to get something in return from it. Also why don’t we not decide to use it, why don’t we decide to practice it ? The answer is, because its easier to do nothing. Most of the time to do something one first need to make a decision that hes going to do it.
The fact is also that most of the people stop'ed studying, they stop learning new things. And how can one improve in life, when he quits developing his mind ? How can one achieve everything he wish to achieve and how can one even wish something out of the life when he stop'ed learning, when he stopped developing his perspectives ? Is it not the truth that most of us quit learning after we finished with hight school or with college ? Do you think that, that knowledge we learned in school is enough for living ? Do we not leave in the world where we see changes everywhere ? Do we also not need to change just to keep in harmony with those changes ? And somehow more one is asking this questions more he is coming on the answer, but the hones ones. Is it not truth ? What do you think what keeps you out from reaching your dreams, your visions, your goals ? What do you think, is it maybe you ? What will you say if I tell you that everything you ever wanted to be, and every talent you have lies within you ? Do you have a courage to look yourself in to the mirror and start asking those question ? Do you have a courage to look at yourself and to see that you'r the animal against you need to win ? Do you know that only you are the one who can achieve all those things you are thinking about and no one else ? Do you know that you could achieve it if you would try it, do you know that if you start working towards your goals that you can't quit ? Do you know that if you don’t quit you are going to achieve everything you ever wanted ? Thanks for reading ?
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