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Wining One More Time Against Myself

Wining One More Time Against Myself

Don’t ask me how I am doing it, because to do it you need to be crazy. You need to have that one things without it is impossible to do it. You know about what I am talking about, the power of the will. For like 10 Months I won against myself first time in my life, that was something huge for me. And from that day, from the day I saw that everything is possible and that only I am my worst enemy I started to work on myself, I started to develop myself. My mind become so calm, and my spirit also found hes inner peace. Everything starts with a desire, with that burning desire that you are ready and that you wish to do it no matter what it takes, no matter what pain are you going to push truth, the only think you see is the end, the peak of the mountain. Yes, and indeed today is my first day without cigarettes. I was smoking for more then 10 years, and I can tell you that it feels astonishing. I never thought it can be so easy, it was just like a first time, it was easy, I just left it, and never looked back, started to look only in to the future. Same thing happened with cigarettes, I was thinking about it so much, it was something that i really wanted, and I started on daily basis to throw a pictures in, a new ones in my mind about myself, about how I am not smoking. And in one moment my desire became so huge that I actually just left it. But you need to know, to get a really strong desire you need to become really brutally honest with yourself, you need to go deep in to the past and see yourself first time when you took a cigarette, ask yourself without judging why is it that you wish to start walking that road, why did you decide to take it. And just sit there and listen what does young you has to say to you. At the end of the journey you can hug him and say that you can understand it, that you are forgiving him but that you are choosing another way, much better one, much positive one, much healthier one and also much wealthier one. Thanks for reading. Never GIVE UP Working on yourself. 

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