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Life Failure As a INFORMATION

Life Failure As a INFORMATION

They say that most of the people are thinking that they are perfect. But the truth is that the perfect human being do not exist. We all knew it but most of us don’t wish to admit it to ourselves. Why I am saying it ? Just because of the fact that majority of the people at least one time in they life suffered so hard that it changed them. What happened and why did we suffer ? The reason for that suffering was actually a mistake we did unconsciously, that means that we indeed all do mistakes. But what happened when we did that mistake ? We actually learned from it but sadly majority of the people quit to risk in life just because they do not wish to feel that pain again, and simultaneously they forget that from that pain they actually learned really crucial informations which helped them to change. Its not that mistake actually hurt'ed us, it was actually our decision, we decided to be hurt'ed. Thats the truth, because we have a power of decision, we can decide how we are going to react on every situation no matter what circumstances are. In those moment we actually decided to feel hurt'ed and because of that we became hurt'ed. But what would happen if we started to think in another way, if we decided to think that that failure is not going to brake us, instead of that, that failure is actually going to form us ? Indeed we could decided to think about failure in that way, we could decided that the failure is nothing else then the feedback information which shows us in what field of life we need to change, in what field of life we need to grow, to improve ourselves as a human being. Thinking in that way, and having that mentality the only thing next we can do is to attack that failure to change ourselves, to transform ourselves and to attack the life with much more power then we ever had. Thanks for reading and God Bless you !!

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