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System Failure

System Failure

Coming from the country where they destroyed future perspectives and where you cannot succeed on the field of life if you are not the member of the political party the only thing you can do is to go some where else. To fight for your life and to fight for your perspectives, to fight for the picture which you see in your mind. In the place from where I come from there is no possible way to achieve those pictures in your mind, the only thing you will get is judging. Settling in the new country in the country where its easy to find a job and where you have the social care and where you do not need to worry about the, job one can say its a dream. But more you live in that country, more you get used to the different system. And so living many years in that system slowly you are noticing that the system is somehow the same. That you need to work for someone else, that to those people your opinions are important just like it was the case back home. Yes there are so many positive things that I am using, and there are so many other things that I am going to use, but somehow there is that feeling that every system is the same. That they are self-sustained because they are using almost half of our salary. Where they say that we live in a democracy, where democracy is a freedom to speak what you think, to say loud your opinions and when you say what you think about and what changes there should be taken, you are labeled as a anti system leader or someone who's goal is to destroy the system and everything you say was nothing else then the truth. How can we then even say that, we are living in a democracy, where we can say about what we are thinking about, when there is no one that listen on us and when everything you say and the only thing you say are improvement which are possible for the system, is labeled as crazy and anti system. Thats not democracy, thats not the system we are living in. They can tell those story's to little kids. And sadly the people are not doing anything against it and they are the ones which choose the ones which represent us. That means that no one is doing what they promised that they will do, when they needed to be elected and they are there to work for someone else, to sustain that same system so trough the taxes, system can even take more from us, so the poor one can be more poor and the rich one more rich. And what to except from that kind of system ? To be honest nothing. The only thing and everything I should except is from myself. And if I am not able to help to myself and to improve my own life then there is no one else that is going to help me or show me the way how can I improve my life. After all, we all have those inner fights we need to win, and those inner fights are the fights which are going to make our lives better and which are able to bring upon us everything we ever wanted. Thanks for reading !!!!

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