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What Does it Take to BECOME Successful

What Does it Take to BECOME Successful

I really do not know are people aware of it but there is a really good reason why the majority of the people are unsuccessful and the minority of the people are. But thats the reason why we are here, because in this writings I am here to help not only to myself but also to you to reveal the most secret secrets on the planet. Just like the title of todays theme says today we are going to talk about what does it take to become successful. There is a big difference between the majority of the people and between the minority which posses almost the whole wealth on the planet. The first difference is that the rich people are actually doing from the day they are born the things they like to do because the fact is that only the love is able to bring the fruit upon you. The fact is that most of us did do things we love, but that was long ago, when we were a kids. The wealthy people are the people that never actually grew up, they are actually kids stuck in the adult body. Majority of the people quit mainly because of one reason and that is that they get hurt'ed, but the wealthy one on the contrary did learn from they mistakes and they stand up stronger then before and they attacked the game called the life, one could say that they actually only showed a courage, and indeed they did. Thats is actually difference between the wealthy and the average one, the wealthy one is willing to do mistakes for the reason that he is going to learn from those mistakes but he will not give up. The average one because of the pain he feel'ed and because of the stress he get sadly quit. As we can see you can never become successful if you are going to quit when you do mistake that will produce you pain. Because the pain is nothing else then the feeling and the feelings are there to be controlled. What does it means ? That means that when we are hurt we should learn to control that feeling of pain and we should replace it for some other feeling, thats only possible to do when you are controlling your feelings. I will not say its easy because its not, its hard to learn it, but everything that is hard to learn at the end pays of. To become wealthy is nothing else then the game. Most of the people when the get they monthly salary are spending until they are without money, but the wealthy one is controlling the money, he is not allowing that money controls him. One could say and it would be a truth that here we are talking actually about self-control or self-mastery and indeed we do. But to learn to lead others, that means, to become a leader you first need to learn how to lead yourself, or one could say, that we should first learn how we can control ourselves. Thanks for reading and God Bless you !

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