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- Breaking The Holy Trinity In to The Logic -

- Breaking The Holy Trinity In to The Logic -

To set things clear I will at the start say that I am raised in very religious family and that the religion was big part of my life. Mostly when we talk about religion we are talking about the faith in something or someone. But trough the power of research and trough the power of logical thinking all conclusions I am going to say are true. First of all we need to know that in the past people did also believe in the God, in much more type of the Gods then people these days are believing. We also need to know that every religion is nothing else then the religious organization, mark the word organization in this sentence. They are nothing else then the company’s which is specialized in the field called social engineering. They are forming our opinions and they are trying to lead our spirits, our souls. I’m not saying that I am none believer, I do believe that some divine force or we could also say some divine power made everything we see. When we are talking about Holy Trinity we are talking at leas in the Christianity about he Father ( God ), The Son and the Holy Spirit. They teach us that the soul is immortal, the fact is also that the God is immortal. When we are talking about the Son then we are talking about the Son of the God. They also teach us that we are all children of the God. The fact is that there is something and that our spirit, our soul because its immortal is also the part of that something because that something is also immortal and as a part of something that created this world and everything else we see, logically we can make conclusion that it also means depending on sex you are, you are also the Daughter or the Son of the God and as such every human being is the God at least those which are following the words of they own spirit, they conscience, or to be precise that tiny whisper within you and everything in which you believe ( Faith ) is going to manifest in your life because the feeling of the faith, or believing in something is nothing else then the hope which trough the power of your hearth ( spirit ) is showing you the path, the actions you should take to manifest it in to the reality. If you are aware and if you are able to understand this type of information’s then you also know that the only thing, the only person on which you should never give up and on which you should always believe is no one else then YOU. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF !

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