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For the start I wish to tell you that my depression was disguised as a blessing which unlocked my mind and showed me how the life can be beautiful. We need to know that the depression is nothing else then the state of mind. Ever negative thought is a negative seed in your mind and if you think constantly on that particular seed, you are actually watering that seed and the fruit is going to be more negative thoughts. I do not know how much are people aware of they own thoughts, but I’m on my way to change it. The thing is that when you think in a negative way, when you are trying in everything to see negative with the time you are going to reprogram yourself, your way of the thinking on the negative, and the negative mindset is nothing else then the one way ticket in to the depression. For depression the cure does not exist. There is and it will never be a cure which can help you to change the way of your thinking, the cure lies in you, you are the start of the problem and you are the end of it. Also it would be nice to know that with the negative way of thinking you are also getting negative emotions, thats the probably reason why so many people these days are unhappy. Go outside on the street and you will see that almost no one is laughing and even when they do, its because of something negative. Also that means that to find your happiness you need to watch how someone else gets hurt for making some bad decision or something like that. Is it right ? What about empathy ? Also it would be nice to know that negative things are selling themselves good these days, because the majority of the people is thinking negative. That means that on the TV most of the time you are only get negative things, also on the radio stations and in the new papers. To start fighting against your depression try only for a week to shut out everything, to stop watching TV, reading the news papers, listening on radio, leave your mobile phone and answer only when something is really crucial and needs your attention, quit for a week with social media, allow to yourself to use imagination one more time and trough the power of imagination start thinking positive. Try to ignore the reality for a week, and see that more you are thinking positive, more you are attracting toward yourself positive, more happier you are going to feel. Do it for yourself because you need it. I was really depressed, I could say on the bottom of the life, and I healed it on my own, without the medicament, without the doctor, on my own. If I was able to do it, you can do it also. So GO OUT THERE and no matter what you do. DO YOUR BEST !

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