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- Power of The PERSISTENCE -

- Power of The PERSISTENCE -

You know we live in the world where most of the human beings think that the persistence is overrated. But the funny thing about the persistence is that, no matter what you do if you show persistence, if you never give up the time will come when you are going to succeed no matter what. The only feeling which is able to bring the fruit on this planet is the love and that’s the reason why everything which we do we should do with love, with hearth, no matter what. Its about the momentum, its about helping, so the wheel can roll. But if you quit rolling, if you stop pushing the wheel is going to stop. When I say its about momentum then I think that you are actually building a momentum for that wheel. But what is it a momentum ? Well my friend momentum is nothing else then the moment when the wheel starts rolling without your help, when the wheel do not need you help anymore, because the momentum is there, because the power is there and the wheel is rolling without your help, the wheel is rolling on itself. They call it perpetuum mobile or I could say a perpetual motion. Its a type of motion of bodies which are helping each other to roll themselves without the outside influence and they are able to do it in to the infinity. Its free energy one could say. Yes my friend that the reason that whatever you do in your life, no matter what you are trying to achieve, the persistence is one of the keys to success because only trough the power of the persistence you are going to make a free energy an infinite circle of energy which does not need your help anymore, which is rolling himself from himself. Someone could say its a miracle but its not, its free energy, its a forbidden knowledge, the knowledge you should not posses. If you stop for a moment and try to think is it possible to make it, you will notice that it is, because the thought is there, the thought was always there. You know you can be, and you should be what ever you wish to be, the real question is do you have a courage to accomplish it, because there is only one possible way how can you accomplish it and the way is called following your hearth, following your intuition. Only trough the power of your hearth and trough the power of your intuition you are able to achieve it, because those two things are connected, they somehow already know what is it that you wish to become. So at the end my friend, love yourself, because if you don’t love yourself no one else will, and follow your hearth because there is no reason not to follow it. Live everyday of your life as the last day of your life, because you can never know when is the last moment on this planet. When the soul is going to separate itself from the body and go on some other place or become some other form. Because that is the process of death, the death is nothing else then the separation of the soul from the body and as such beautiful. Thanks for reading and God Bless you !

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