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How to Open Third Eye

How to Open Third Eye

The Third Eye myth is there for so many years and lately the brain researchers discovered that the third eye actually exist and its a part of our brain. The truth is that the third eye was always there but it is forbidden knowledge to know about it, because when you unlock your third eye you unlocked almost everything, because unlocking your third eye you are learning how to change the perspective and you as a human being has the possibility to choose which perspective you wish to live. The truth is that the third eye is also the sixth chakra and to unlock your third eye you need to clear this chakra. The process is kinda really easy. The third eye has to do with illusions, with lies which you are telling to yourself. And to unlock it you need to become honest with yourself. You know the thing about this chakra is I could also a society problem because people are afraid of the truth, not only that they are afraid of it when they are in discussion with some other human being, but they are also afraid of the truth when they are talking to themselves. The third eye is unlocked trough the truth. The way is called the way of self analyzing, if you honestly analyze every day you live before you go to sleep with the time you are going to become honest human being and you will unlock your third eye. One thing which is especially separating one which speaks the truth from the one who lies is that the one who speaks the truth is aware of the truth and he is also aware of the things he needs to change, he needs to improve to become a better human being. The second I could say and when not the most important benefit is that the truth is going to set you free, is going to give you your inner peace. The thing that in the society where almost all are lying the truth is a scary thing and the people which are speaking the truth are labeled as psychos. The reason for it is that the one who lives the truth is able to see trough the things which others are trying to do with them. Yes only the truth and nothing else then the truth is a secret key to unlock your third eye. Also we need to know that we are all connected, that we all are part of something bigger then we are, bigger part of something which we at least for now or on this level of intelligence can't understand. The things is that our thoughts are also connected, you are never going to be able to talk with someone who do not thing the same way as you do, its not possible because your opinions are different, and your minds are not working on the same frequency. But do not worry about it, do not worry never. Because the truth is that with the time the people which are living the truth are going to come upon you. Its simple as that, because all others are not going to able to be near you, because you are shooting with the truth and only people which are living the truth are going to be able to not only to come in your life but also to stay in your life because they are looking at the truth from other point of view, they are looking at it as a respectful thing, as a positive characteristic which you posses and they are going to respect your for it. So my friend, at the end of this journey, the real question is do you have a courage to live the truth because only trough the truth you are going to unlock your Third Eye. God Bless You !

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