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How to Achieve FLOW State of Mind

Flow state of mind

How to Achieve FLOW State of Mind :

To achieve Flow state of mind we should first know what is it FLOW STATE ? Flow state is mental state of mind in which you are pulled forward by big goals, yet happy where you are now. It creates feeling of growth and feeling of being lucky. Is it not something marvelous, is it not something towards which all should aspire. 

Being happy and feeling lucky are only few benefits which you are getting when entering this state. The other benefit is that the time stops, you are losing the feeling of time, its like time just stops and nothing else is important because you are so focused, absolutely focused. As you can see, to enter in this state one should practice focus. The first step is to have a goal, or I could say to have a task on which you can focus yourself. Only trough some task which you are enjoying to do, which you love to do you are able to enter in to this state. The challenge and skill both need to be on high level. 

The reason why challenge and skill needs to be on high level is simple. It's because when you challenge yourself to achieve something greater then you are, you also need to develop high level of skill. You need to have clear definition of success. What does success means to you ? It can be financial freedom, it can be to become better human being, it can be everything you chose it to be. The last step is to have real-time feedback about your progress. It can be feedback from someone you appreciate, from someone who is always honest with you. The feedback is there only to have a look on your work from the different angle, from different perspective. 

Entering flow state of mind you are unleashing infinite potential of your creativity. That is at the end what flow is about, its about deep focus, where you can concentrate yourself on one thought, on only one particular thought. Thinking whole time on only one particular thought you are entering the flow where you will find the storage of similar thoughts. Those similar thoughts because of your deep concentration are coming in your mind in the form of ideas. There are so many awesome ideas and they are all waiting on you when you enter this state. Mostly the people who enter this state of mind are highly educated people, and they are not even aware that they are there when they find themselves there. It is like that ideas are flowing in your mind and you are able to see so many improvement which you can do with the thing you do. 

So my friend, following these steps you are going to surpass yourself, you are going to reveal the secret which all great inventors already knew but never talked about it. You are going purposely trough the power of your will focus yourself on one particular thing to change your life and even maybe this planet.
Best of luck !

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