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How to Avoid Conflict ?

How to Avoid Conflict

How do we mostly answer on a bad approach from other people ? Lets be honest, mostly bad or am I wrong ? Lets say we are talking with someone and  at some point are opinions are not the same anymore. Now I'm asking again, how are we going to react on such a circumstances ? Most of us are going to fight, sadly thats the truth. But what about respecting other opinion. If we decide to respect other opinion we are on the good way to actually solve the problem. Also if we take in consideration other opinion we can also maybe decide that we are going to try to understand why they are watching on the things from other aspect of view also that means that we are going to try to look on the things from they aspect of the view. Thats the fact, all human beings are watching on the things from another aspect of view. Aspect of view depends on our life experience. What does it means. It means how much good and bad things did we experienced in life, also one can say mostly the bad ones because the bad ones are the ones that brings experience because we are acting to solve the problem. If we try to set ourself in they aspect of view in they perspective mostly we will notice that we are arguing because we have common love for the same things and if we decide to go even deeper, even further, we are going to notice that there are more things about we share same opinion, then the things where are opinion is different. Thanks for reading !!!

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