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The Faith As a Foundation of Life

The Power of Faith

The faith, only the faith should be the foundation of our lives. They said that the faith is possible to move a mountains. That could not be so far from the truth, because that is a truth. If you believe you're possible to achieve everything to achieve miracles, there is nothing that can stop you, because you're believing that you can do it. Wen I sad that the faith should be the foundation of our life's I sad it because it really should, the faith in ourself's should indeed be the foundation of our lives. Its not important if others are not believing in us, the most important is that we are believing in ourself's. Its not important  what life obstacles are we facing, the fact is that we are going to shine trough because we are believing in ourself's. The same thing is with the goals. Also the one that has goal in his life and faith in himself also the faith that he is able to reach that goal is unstoppable. Those people are champions, they will never quit. They will keep fighting until the goal is not accomplished and they will not quit because thy are believing in them self's, they are believing that they can achieve it. The one that does not have a faith in himself, he will quit. Why should he keep going when hes full of doubt. They will be able to set a goals just as the guys with the faith but when the obstacles comes upon them, they will quit, maybe not when the first obstacle comes, but with the time they will quit because of lack in believing in them selfs in believing that they can't actually achieve a goal they set for them selfs. Thanks for reading !!!

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