Life with Principles
Life with Principles
Don’t you try to go against me, don’t you try to go against my principles because I’m not the one who is going against himself. The only thing I wish to do on this world are things I wish to do. You cannot control me because I'm already controlling myself. They are trying to brake me, trying to change but they don’t know what I become, they don’t know that I am not going against my will, I am not going against that little whisper within me, I am not going against my principles. Why should I, why should I go against my principles and against my will, why should I hurt myself. I told them that I found my inner peace and that I’m following my hearth but I see that they can't understand it. Is it maybe because they are afraid, because they heart is telling them to do bad things ? They even tried to manipulate me that I should stop listening that voice, but they don’t know that I am the one who is not able to be manipulated. They don’t know that, that inner voice became everything. They don’t know that I am only focused on that inner voice, that I become obsessed with it, the he obsessed me and that my body became vessel of it. Why should I do something, its not logic. Why should I lose myself and my Identity, I already walked that road one time, and I know what for results I can except. But also I know what for results I can except listening that voice and not going against my principles. The only thing I can get is everything I ever wanted, everything I dreamed about as a child.
When the prise is so huge, why should I even go against it. But I'm not following it because of the price, I’m following it because of that inner peace that I have because of it every day, I'm following it because I wish to learn people how they can do it also. Why to live life in hate, when you can be happy and lovely human being and everything what it takes is to follow it, to listen on that hearth and not going against your principles. After all, only you are responsible for your happiness. Following your hearth and not going against your principles you are building unbreakable character, the one that can only serve you well in life. There are plenty of positive benefits one will get when he decides to follow, but really nothing can be compared with that feeling of calm, with that inner peace and with free mind. After all, your hearth is always going to say you the deepest truth about you, and following your hearth you are following the road of truth. Only in the truth one can be saved. Only the truth is able to give you everything, only in truth you can have that inner peace, only in truth you are possible to know that everything you do, you are doing right, you are doing as it should be. Don’t be afraid to follow you hearth, because your hearth only wish all the best for you. Everything it takes is a decision, decision that you are going to follow your hearth and that you are going if its needed go straight in to the hell and walk through the nine circles of hell just to do things right, as they should be. After all you came on this planet to live happy and prosperous life. And only you are responsible for your happiness. Everyone else is responsible for they own happiness and in case that they need to choose between they own happiness and your, they would choose themselves. Its kinda naturally and if you are looking for the reason why you should follow your hearth that can be your best reason. Thanks for reading !!
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