Making The Wish Out of The Airplane
Making The Wish Out of The Airplane
Sometimes I ask myself, why is it as it is on the planet. Why are people as they are ? Why do they hate, why they become pessimists ? Is it not better to be optimist ? Is it not better to think positive and have abundant and happy life instead of all that hate, of all those wars because of oil, instead of all those murders ? What happened ? When did we lost our path ? When did we forget to set ourselves a goals in life and when did we settle for average life ? And then the answer came. Its system, system is the one who is programing human minds to think negative to become pessimist. And then came another question why do they do such a thing and then in the same moment came the answer . Because to sustain himself, system need to do it. What would happened when all people would think positive ? First of all there would be no need for government, because when all human beings would think positive there should be no need for laws because we all would live in line with laws of nature. There would be no need for system. Its actually sad that people don’t see it, that they don’t see that there are actually the ones who are responsible for they own lives and that to achieve everything they ever wished in life, they just need to decide what is it that they wish ( to set themselves a goal ), never give up and think positive. The formula for success is so simple, how is it possible that they forget it. How is it possible that people forget to follow they own hearth.
That the only thing to be happy one should follow his hearth. I even think that they know that thats the only way but somehow they lost a courage, they became afraid. Everything started with that first lie. First time they lied they saw how funny it is, to avoid damage, to manipulate reality and to run in safety. That same lie was the poison a drug and they get used to it, they became addicted. I don’t know are they aware that those lies are shaping they future, that those lies are shaping they reality. That because of those lies they are loosing themselves, that they are setting a fog upon themselves. A fog to become blind, to not see the things as they really are, to lose yourself in your own world and not be aware of reality. Everything what I just said is a product of lies. Its kinda scary, but also one could say unbelievable what lies are capable to do out of the human being. But to start over, first of all one should start listening on his hearth and start doing things his hearth is saying no matter what. Also one should become brutal honest with himself. He should look himself in the mirror and he should speak that truth to himself in the face, direct in to the eyes, direct in to his soul. Doing so you are going to brake the chains of the society, the chains of the system and you will get a new start. Did you ever wanted a news start in life. Thats the way, thats the only way to get it. I wish everyone on the planet would at last try it. I wish people stop hating themselves, I wish that they start helping each others and start loving each others. After all, we came on this planet to be happy and to share that happiness not be sad and to hate others, to put the seeds of hate among the others. Thanks for reading !!
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