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Never more will I be slave of the system. Never more will I go against my guidance within. Why should I? More I'm following that voice within more I'm noticing things. More I'm noticing how does this world and people actually function. More I'm following that guidance within myself more I'm knowing myself and because more I'm able to read myself more I am able to read other people too. I'm not looking and I will never more look mistakes on other human beings. The only human being I need to win against is me. There is that spirit within me, that from time to time need to be defeated because hes addicted, hes addicted to the things I wish to change. My will is absolute. I will never more settle for average life. The time has come to be and to allow to myself to be what I really am. After all 'm borne as a original, why should I be copy. I know that only thing I need to do is to follow that guidance within me. I know that there are doors in my mind I need to close and I'm willingly doing it. After all, why to look what others are doing when everything I can see is that they are searching for the ways how they can use, use you for they own better. Why to allow it, it makes no sense when I can be the one who is going to use myself. Chasing my dreams and developing my mind and my will these days somehow seams like the only path I need to go. After all thats what my guidance is telling to me. I'm not acting smart, and I am not smart. I'm not the one who thinks that he knows everything, on the contrary the only thing I know is that I don’t know a thing. Yes I am living in the society, we all do, but some of us need to rise, to improve themselves, to work on themselves, because times had come when we need to change. and only when we decide that we are going to change ourselves, we are also starting to change the planet. But the only human being, I as a person can change, is me. Thats also a reason I decided to change, thats also a reason why I stop'ed looking on others and what others are doing, when I am the one who is doing so much mistakes and I will probably never stop doing it. Yes, I am aiming perfection, but its also crystal clear that I will never become perfect because the perfect human being does not exist and will never exist. The truth is that only if people are ready to accept themselves as they are,  they are ready to open eyes and see what for human beings they actually became. I am, and I did. I love myself but I don’t like what I became, thats also the reason I need to change. After all, all our lives are connect to that one infinite life, to the Creator and with his courage and with his strength and with my believe in Him I know that I am going to achieve everything I wish. Thanks for reading.

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