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Why is it Good to Have PERSISTENCE

Why is it Good to Have Persistence

I don’t know are people aware that persistence is one of the best values one can posses. Lets be honest, everything that we do and also everything that we wish to achieve in life without persistence we are not going to achieve. But with the persistence on our side everything is possible. Only our own thoughts are our limits. Its not important what are we trying to achieve in life, if we are trying to save for a brand new car, or we are trying to buy or build a house, or we are trying to become our own boss without persistence its impossible to do it. Most of us did have a persistence but as a kids. We all had dreams, and we all tried to make our dreams came true. But what happened with those dreams, what happened that we quit on our own dreams, on ourselves. The failure happened. Most of us quit when we made a first failure and it hurt'ed. To quit is easy but to stand up and keep pushing one need to find a reason to push, one need to have that virtue called persistence. We didn't fall for no reason, we fall because ourselves, because mistakes or mistake we did. But also we learned from that mistake. If we learned, we didn't need to quit. Why didn't we gather the strength when we came in contact with mother earth and arise stronger like never before. The failure was nothing else then feedback info, where one should improve himself. The failure is nothing else then that. Arising and pushing, its not that we are only showing faith, persistence but we are also building a will power. And without will power, without wishing something to do one is not able to do it. Is it not truth that most of the parents are acting like a roll-model for they own kids. How can one without persistence be a roll-model. Should we not learn our kids, support them in things they do. Talk with them about persistence and learn them that no matter what they do or try to achieve they should NEVER GIVE UP ! Thanks for reading !

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