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Life Process Called Spiritual Synchronization

When we speak about the life, the first of all we need to say that we are actually what we think about. To have healthy, happy and prosperous life the one should think in those ways. It really is so, what we think about, we are. We also need to know that human being is the unity of three things : intellect, spirit and the body. In our body are living our spirit and our body also posses intellect and we all know that our mind is actually responsible for our intellect, that means that are mind is also living in our body. Those three need to be in harmony to have health, happy and prosperous life. Those are the line guides for easier understanding the process we are talking about. When we are talking about Spiritual Synchronization we are talking about unity with our spirit or one could say about the ultimate level of self-control. We also need to know that our mind is the one who has the control over our spirit. Because our mind is there to show us the thoughts about we are thinking about and the spirit is there to make those thoughts come true, to form our reality. He is there to give the commands to our body, which trough our mind the body is going to do. Not so hard to understand, but not so easy to do. One should first be aware of that voice within, that means that one should first be aware of his spirit. And he should start controlling him. When we talk about Spiritual Synchronization we are talking about unity with your spirit something like morphing with your spirit and becoming one. Also its one form of the self-control, the hardest one one could say. In this type of self-control one is becoming the vessel of his spirit. He is controlling himself to the highest level possible, hes not doing the actions that hes spirit had not say to do. Here we are actually talking about the life from within to without. Lets make an example. Lets say we are arguing with someone. The majority of the people are going to react automatically. Most of the time when two are arguing they are fighting about something because they are not sharing same opinion and the opinion is nothing else then a though. In those moments the one that has achieve the Synchronization with his spirit is going to be calm. Be aware about what I am talking about, because this is not possible to learn in school, we are talking here about life experience. To continue, when one is getting stress, because when two are arguing in most cases one person is getting stress. The one who is getting it can choose to focus himself on the voice within him. He can blend the words the other human being is telling him and just focus on the voice within him, on the voice of his spirit. The spirit is very sensible, those are the facts. First of all focusing on the spirit all those bad words are nothing else then the words, nothing else then the informations that are coming trough your ears and going out of your head. You will prevail peace of your mind and your spirit is going to give you the answer you need to say or if you don’t get the answer you should be quiet. As we can see we are talking about ultimate level of self-control. Its really important in those moments to act as your guidance within wish that you act, because your guidance within you is true you. If hes saying you that you should answer most of the time one will have fear. But to conquer that fear the best way is to believe in the guidance within you and just trow those words out in to the wind. When you do that you are going to win against fear, and you are going to build a piece of courage and also you are not letting those words staying in you and in that moment you are living the life from within to without, you are fully Synchronized with your Spirit and you are indestructible. If your spirit says to you to answer and because of the fear you don’t do it, next time when you are in same situation you will be even more afraid, and you are only harming yourself. Thats the truth. Because those words are going to come later upon you in the form of the thoughts and we are what we think about and thats the way of destroying your own life. Thanks for reading  and don’t forget to Subscribe !

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