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Living LIFE, The Way I WISH to LIVE

My Life Philosophy

In the past I can honestly say that I was the bad human being. Thats mainly because I wasn't looking on myself and on the mistakes I am doing and instead of that I was searching mistakes on the other human beings. Living life as such and judging the people I was only judging myself and I didn't knew it. These days things changed, these days my main priority am I and already last year I decided that I am the only person I need to judge just so I can improve myself. Introducing myself to the self-control and self-discipline the things started to change. Not only that I became better as a human being but I also became a happy one. The truth is that when one first time wins against the bad habit through the self-discipline one will in most cases become addicted, just as I am. And to become addicted to self-discipline and self-control seams these days natural and I think that everyone should at least try it. The truth is that it is never easy to fight against yourself but thats the only way how one can achieve the self-mastery. And the self-mastery is my way of life, my life purpose, but also through that process I'm knowing myself and on that principle I am able to help other human beings if they are ready and if they decide to follow the path I am walking these days. Why to hate other human beings when instead I can choose to love them. But to love other human beings one should first be able to love himself, and to love yourself we can only start doing when we start working on ourselves, when we start winning against ourselves, because in those moments we are going to acknowledge that everything is possible and that we are actually our worst enemy's. I can honest say that I am not narcissus, but I do love myself more then anyone other on this planet in a healthy way. Its not that I quit listening the guidance within me, but the fact is that my spirit and thats the guidance within us, is addicted to the things and to improve ourselves we need to develop the power of the will because only with the power of the will we are able to defeat ourselves and also improve ourselves. The positive changes are coming every day upon me. I found my long forgotten patience, I become courageous, after so many years living in a lie I also started to speak only the truth and nothing else then truth. These days I am ready to help all human beings and main goal is to help all human beings on the planet. Because humans are unhappy, everyday on the streets I can see unhappy human beings, the people without control and somehow I feel obligated to talk about it just to show them that there is a way if they are willing to follow. I also achieve my inner peace and that is only possible to achieve when one is disciplined and I achieved it trough the emotion control and trough the thought control ( mind control ). When I first discovered that I am able to control my mind I wasn't aware of it. It was only a thought, but I was unconsciously trying to do it every day a bit more, until one day I actually succeed with turning it off, turning it off in the sense that I am able to think only on specific thing, that means that I can ultimately focus myself on specific thing and think just about it without distraction or even if I wish I can think whole day about nothing. As you can see everything starts with the self- control. The life can be really great and everything is so easy and simple. Thanks God I discovered it and with the Faith in the God and with my new strength which I am getting every new day I am going to continue this process until the rest of my life. Thanks for reading !!!

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