As The Title says today I am going to talk about my fans. The majority of my fans comes from USA, Germany and Ukraine. But don’t think I will forget the others, the others are mostly coming from : France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Russia, United Arab Emirates and also from Unknown Regions at least thats what my analytics are saying. First of all thanks and I am going to talk just for a moment about myself. I am Mario and I am born'ed in a small country called Bosnia and Herzegovina and I am 29. Its actually not so much important where I am borne'd, after all, are we not all human beings ? Because the Bosnia is more connected to East front, I am raised in Eastern Mentality. Hard work, step and destroy everyone who steps in front of you, patience is there to not have it. But somehow because I was always dreamer, simultaneously I developed West ( American ) mentality. I can honestly say that I am mixture of those two mentality. What does it means ? It means don’t try to cheat on me or I am going to transform myself in to the beast, but I am having my dreams, I am following my hearth no matter what, courage is here, deep down within me, and somehow I will not run in fear from no one, but I got a patience, unlimited amount of patience, you can not brake it, because I am self-conscious, I am practicing it every day and more I am practicing it better I am.
I always dreamed about New York and somehow I know that I will move there ,if not now then in near future. Persistence is also one thing I developed alone. Because I am raised as an East Front kid those are not values that one has, also following our hearth is not the value we are having because of the poverty. But what can you do, I was always different, probably because I was dreamer my whole life. But the times have come to make my dreams come true, as you can see. Its not that everyone is trying to do it. But I am, and I am willing to do it or to perish. This hearth, deep down within me is beating only for that, yes there are people I need to take care about, but somehow my dream became everything. I was influenced with American mentality because I liked it, from my child times. Thats probably reason why my parents said to me that from dreams one can not live. And when someone says something like in to your in your face how can you feel. It was not helping. But more I was following my hearth more problems I got in life. At the end its not important because that was the way how I could develop self-confidence. I believe in myself, I always did, I did not learn it at home, I needed to learn it on my own. But thats probably the way of life. Somehow I know that with the time I am going to succeed at everything I ever wanted. There is that voice I am following, and he become so precious, more then I, because every time when he whispers I know its best for me, its what I wish. But enough about me. Its not important from what part of the planet you are coming the only thing I can say is THANK YOU, because when I see those stats, it feeds me, it give me more energy to keep going and NEVER GIVE UP ! GOD BLESS YOU AND I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST IN YOUR LIFE !!!
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