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Depression was a BLESSING disguised As a Life OPPOTUNITY

Depression was a BLESSING disguised As a Life OPPORTUNITY

Depression is most popular sickness these days. Everything is actually about the way you think about and the seed of depression is negative mental attitude. That means that your negative thoughts are actually the one which are feeding it. If you are aware that you are thinking the whole day in a negative way then you should try to disconnect. And when I say disconnect then I mean that you should try to disconnect your mind and take the control over your thoughts. You can try to start thinking about nothing. From my own experience I can say it will be hard. At the start you will be able to think on nothing for just a few seconds, but more effort you give it, more you are going to become better. Just to say that, here we are talking about the Self-Mastery. We are learning the way how we can master ourselves and take the full control over every decision we will ever make. Because the depression starts with negative thoughts then, we also know that our enemy is our mind, hes the devil disguised. Never giving up and pushing with thinking on nothing, with the time, you will disconnect your mind. That means that you will be able to think on nothing whole day long, if you wish of course. Also you will be able to start thinking when you decide. One more positive thing is that you will be able to disconnect when someone is trying to manipulate you or influence you in negative way. Not only that you are going to start noticing every unconscious move you are doing, but also you will find really astonishing things out, for instance that you can be happy whole day if you wish and that only you have and can influence your happiness, with your way of thinking of course. But what happens when you decide to connect one more time and when you start thinking ? When you connect, you are actually not driven by your thoughts. You are observing your thoughts, you are noticing when they are born'ed, when they come upon you. In those moments you will be able to decide are those thought, the thoughts you wish to have, to live, or you are just going to replace it for another one, for the better one and instead live the one which is better for you. There are so many options when you take the control one more time. Also one is able to make deep decisions, decisions that he is not going to brake and which he will push to the end. As we can see there are many benefits. To be honest there is nothing negative in shutting down. But at the end its your decision are you going to try it. But if you are searching for happiness, for inner peace, and for your dreams, thats the path you should go. Thanks for reading and have a Wonderful day !!

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