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Holy Power of Forgiveness

Holy Power of Forgiveness

What do you think why is it important to forgive to other human beings, no matter what they did to you ? Do you know that the most hardest word to speak out is “ I’m sorry “. Yes, indeed it is, because to ask someone for forgiveness you need to go bellow your pride, you need to trample your ego. The ego is a powerful power within us but when we did do harm to someone no matter what kind of damage, the right thing to do is to ask forgiveness. But why is it important to forgive ? The answer is actually that to forgive someone who did notice his own mistake and has asked forgiveness for it is also the only right thing to do. When we forget someone things he did or said to us we are moving on, that means that trough the forgiveness we are releasing ourselves from bad thoughts, negative thoughts and we do not need to think about it anymore, because we forgive to that person. To be brutally honest, we should always forgive but if you did not notice the forgiveness is nothing else then the ultimate self-defense mechanism. Trough the forgiveness you are actually defending yourself from the anxiety and when you are defending yourself from the anxiety simultaneously you are defending yourself from cardiovascular diseases. But to get one more back in to the reality, mostly these days people are not willing to forgive, and because of the fact that they are not willing to forgive they are full of hate, anger etc.. That can not be good, but at the end its they own decision. Also the people are not willing to take the control over they own ego, they are to pride and think that they are perfect, and as a perfect human being you are not doing mistakes and because of that there is no need to ask forgiveness. As we can see its actually devils circle and to brake it you need to tear apart your ego and build the fresh one ! Thanks for reading, God Bless You and don’t forget to forgive !!!

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