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How to Solve Significant Life Problems ( SOUL MASTERY )

How to Solve Significant Life Problems

The truth is that most of us are having some sort of problems, its quiet normal. I think that there is no human beings without the problem in life but the truth is that the problems are there to be solved. Now the thing is that it depends how big our problems are, so big actions we will need to take. There is always a solution for a problem no matter how big or small problem is, the question is do we have a will to solve the problems. Because if we do not start to fight against our own problems the only thing that can happen is that they are going to grow. Now we need to know that we are actually responsible for our problems and that we also need to find the reason for our problems. The reason for all problems in our life are our thoughts and when I say thoughts then I think about our mentality or the way of thinking. That means that to solve our problems we need to change our way of thinking. On the first hand it seams simple and easy but the truth is that it is actually really hard because the way of thinking with the time is the part of our character, that means that to change the way of thinking  we also need to change the part of our character and we all know that to do something like that is not a easy task. But to do it is the only right thing to do. Now one can ask himself what does it take to change the way of thinking ? Actually to change the way of thinking we need to start using our imagination. The fact is that our mind always knows whats the best for us but somehow we need to learn our spirit how to do it, and to learn him we need to take the control over him that means that we need to learn how should we become that masters of our own spirit, of our own soul. Our soul is direct influenced with our thoughts, and with the power of our imagination we can also influence our soul. Because the soul does not know the difference between the thought and the imagination because for the soul they are both the same. That means if we wanna change our bad habits the habits that made problems in our life, with the power of imagination we need to look at the things as already solved, as that we already became someone else and that the problem is already solved in that way that we actually A-line are actions in such a way in which we actually solve our problem. Our imagination is really powerful tool which people sadly forget how to use, because we grow up and because people think that the only kids should use the imagination but actually trough the power of imagination we can achieve everything what we ever wanted to achieve in the life, because trough the imagination we are directly influencing our soul and trough the soul we are also influencing our actions. Thanks for reading and God Bless You in every aspect of your life. 

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