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How to Deal with STRESS on The Workplace

How to Deal with STRESS in The Workplace

For the start I wish you a wonderful day and all the best in every field of life you choose. Today as the Theme says we are going to talk about Stress in the Workplace. Most of the people are verbally maltreated. When your boss is talking with you in the bad manners there are few things we can take in consideration just to see what is it happening with him in that particular moment. Most of the time in those moments he lose the self-control and he get stressed because some thing. That thing can never be so big no matter how big it seams at that moment to allow himself a stress because most of the hearth diseases comes from the stress. Also the second thing he can do is that he can purposely verbally maltreated you because hes goal is to give to you, to his own worker a stress. Now lets see for what reason he is doing it. There is actually only one logical reason why he is doing it and its because he wish that you have a fear of losing your job. Do you know what happens with the people who are afraid for they own job. I can tell you, you are going to transform yourself in to the working machine, you are going to become a production robot. Even when you feel tired, there is always going to be there that thought of losing your job and that thought is going to take even more energy from you, will give it to you so you can use it to produce even more. As we can see its purposely. So you can make more money for your boss. We need to be honest, if you boss is not satisfied with your job he can find someone else. You should most of all put yourself on the first place and be yourself in the first place. Because when you starts to fight against the life, the life is going to see that you are not a coward and more energy you give in that fight more kicks are you going to give to the life and at the end you can only come out as a conqueror. You should never allow to yourself stress, there is no unsolvable situation no matter how bad things seams that they are. In the moment when you notice that someone is trying to give you a stress, in that moment you need to decide that you are going to be calm and that you are not going to lose self-control, because every time when you lose self-control you are losing a part of yourself. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !!!

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