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Human Beings as Animals

Human Beings as Animals

Reading till the end The Book Animal Farm from George Orwell I can only say that there are so many similarities with world in which we are living. The truth is that in the Book he wrote that at the start the animals made a revolution to free themselves from human beings. At the start we can say that they lived in democracy and that all animals where equal. But as the story goes on one can see that the pigs are taking the control, to be precise two pigs are taking control among other animals. These two pigs never could find a word of agreement and the pig named Napoleon made a trap for a second pig and she needed to run for her life or she would be dead. At the end the second pig take the full control over the farm and over all other animals. As we can see, if we start seeing the pigs as a human beings and we look and the whole story out of the human perspective we could say that all human beings are actually at the start living in the democracy, freedom of speech, we all should be same because we are all human beings and as such we all are same. Also we can say that two pigs are actually representing two politicians and that the one if he is not going to run away going to be killed from the another one. Thats the reason why he flied and left the community. I say community because we can look at the animals which are living on the farm as a community. The Politician called Napoleon ( Pig ) whit that act took the control over the community and started his own dictatorship. The people are not even aware what is going on and how they are being manipulated from the politicians ( in this case, animals from the pigs ). And everything is happening for the reason of taking the full control over the community and to make a dictatorship. We all know how is it in dictatorship: if you are not dancing how they wish you are going to be executed. Thats the reason why most of the people are actually suffering they whole life and just pushing trough the life with suffering and pain and they are focusing themselves mostly on the work just as the horse Boxer. He was the best worker on the farm and hes motto was that he needs to wok harder and that his dictator Napoleon is always right. He dreamed about pension and the days when he is going to retire. But just before hes retirement he get sick and his master Napoleon sell him to a butcher. He never achieved to accomplish his goal, and after his death the retirement was not anymore the thing about one should talk about. The animals should work they whole life long. What a wonderful book, what a explanation of the system only written on 80+ sites. I can warmly recommend this book on everyone. Everyone should read it at least one time in a life just to see how the system works and how we are being manipulated and how we became the modern slaves. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !!!!

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