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Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

I do not know how many people did do research about disease called Bipolar Disorder. There are few things about these disease and they are kinda paradoxical. Also for the start we need to know that depression begins with bipolar disorder. But that is not so important as these two things that I am going to tell you. And this two things are actually about how does one discovers bipolar disorder in the human. Also the story starts in this way. The bipolar disorder is a “ type of disease “ where one is neglecting his disease. That means that when someone say to you that you are bipolar disorder ill that you are not going to accept it. But why I say that this thing is paradoxical ? Simply for one reason: that means if you are neglecting your disease you are sick and the doctor is going to establish the disease. But also when you say to doctor that you are bipolar ill he will also be able to establish because you just said to him that you believe that you have it and that you are bipolar disorder ill and he will prescribe you medicaments to heal it. As we can see its kinda an infinite circle, a trap where there is no way out. I can only say that my believe is that disease is human made and that she is there to make some people shut down, to make them not talk again, or they are going to finish in the psychiatry, because this is as they say mind disease, that means that they will say that you are crazy. I do not know who and what is a real reason to made this disease but this is the only true reason I can find and I even believe its the only right reason. Its there to sell high price medicaments on other human beings and to control other human beings what are they are going to talk or to write because this type of disease is a devil circle and if you know something that you should not know this disease is the joker in the hand that they have developed to send you in the psycho institution. I can say that we live in a dangerous world and that we should every day learn more just to be able to protect ourselves, because there are so many dangerous that are waiting on us around every corner and most of them are made just to trap us and to make money for someone else. Thanks for reading and have a nice day !!!

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