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Messenger of The Spring

Messenger of The Spring

Just like the nature is changing, just like the spring is winning against the Winter and is becoming a leader of the age so should we. But we human beings, or I should say human becomings are not changing. Probably because its easier to stay same, but the question is if its right ? If we ask ourselves what is it that we should change on ourselves we will alway find something that we can improve. But when the human change comes in the question they are somehow hard to do, to achieve. Probably because when we wish something to change, we are actually in fight against ourselves, against our ego. The ego is tough enemy but with the power of the decision we can become victorious. The only human being who does not have problems with the changes are actually kids. But lets look why is it as it is ? Well, everything kids are doing is actually that they are playing most of the time, they are exploring the world in which we live, and every day is a new adventure, new opportunity to learn something new. Notice the word LEARN. Thats the real world, the kids are actually learning from the things in which they came in contact. What happened with adults ? Adults sadly adopted really dangerous thought, the thought that they know everything, and when you think about yourself that you know the answer on every question out there, you also lose your will to learn new things. Why should you learn when you know everything ? But lets get back to the changes. To change we need actually to brake our habit pattern. Our character is nothing else then a cluster of habits. But habits are hard to change if our will is weak. To achieve it we need to work on the power of our will. But somehow most of us forget how to use the imagination, and the truth is that everything comes from the imagination, even we are manifested from someones imagination. First someone wanted to have us, he get those images projected in his own mind how would it be to have a kid and whola we are made. To see the shiny future is the only way to see the new perspectives and that is only possible to do trough the imagination. But imagination will not be enough, we need to discipline ourselves, we need to take action. Because if we do not do about what we are thinking about, how can it become manifested, how can it become reality ? It can’t. As a messenger of the Spring I wish you all the best in your life and start fighting against yourself because only when you start fighting against yourself you will grow, you will become what you wish to be. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !!!

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