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Difference Between Conscious and Subconscious Mind

Difference Between Conscious and Subconscious Mind

For the start I wish you a wonderful and prosperous day. Today we are going to talk just as the Theme says, about the difference between Conscious and Subconscious Mind. We are going to show it on examples so it will be easier to understand for someone who can not understand it in the high vocabulary. For our first example lets take a little baby who is learning to walk. We need to know that when one child is born'ed hes subconscious is almost empty, the only thing that is saved there is how to cry and where to search for the breast. Those are instinctive memories whit we are all born, and they are also life security memories, that means that the parents are able to notice when something is wrong with the baby, because the baby is crying without the reason. And to know where to find a food there is a instinct for milk and the baby is able to find the nipple because hes sense for smell come not from these world, its hes super instinct. Also when the baby also the kid is learning to walk its a process, the kid is falling down and staying up. But because of that power of the will, because of that persistence with the time the kid is going to walk. Every operation child takes when he is learning to walk, the child is doing consciously, but from the day when child knows how to walk, the memory goes in his Subconscious Mind and the child is walking unconsciously because walking became the habit. Also we can say that in the Subconscious Mind are our habits and its the place where our habits are stored. Now lets take two examples more, the one who is smoking and the one who is addicted to alcohol. The smoker is not aware of the moves hes hand are doing, do take a cigarette, to set it in the mouth, to fire it, and to inhale it. Everything he is doing, he is doing automatically because its his habit. The same thing is with the one who is addicted to alcohol, he is not able to notice how hes hand is taking the glass alone, without that he gave a command to his hand, because those are habitual memories, stored in his mind and those body operations are the one which he do automatically. Lets take one more example. Lets say we found a job and we are doing this job for the first time. The truth is that at the start we are in process of learning and the learning is conscious process, that means that we are aware of the moves we need to do, but in the moments when we know our job the whole process is moving to the Subconscious Mind and there he is going to be stored. Thats the reason why most of the time if we do some job for huge amount of years or already after some years we do not need to think about it anymore, we already know what do we need to do and how we need to do it. Its already there stored in Subconscious Mind and we are doing it automatically. To become aware of the moves we do means to become self-conscious, that means that you are aware of every move your body is doing which is not commanded by you, its also called self-control. And thats the way how you can heal yourself from every addiction, first you need to become aware of the moves your addiction is causing and then you need to attack it in the way that you consciously stop doing it. Thanks for reading and God Bless you !

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