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Expanding The Horizons

Expanding The Horizons

The sentence is the tool which locks the doors of our mind but the question is the tool which opens the locked doors of our mind. What happened with majority of the people. Why did they quit asking themselves a question ? Is it possible that if they set a questions the answer is not going to be satisfied. Thats the probably reason why they don’t set the questions anymore. I know, every time when one ask himself's a question the one also gets the answer how he can mostly improve himself. Thats the reason why majority of the people quit asking the question. Because they do not wish to improve. To think that you are a perfect human being is a really dangerous thought because with the time you will really think that you are perfect and you will quit working on yourself. Why to think in such a way when we all know that the perfect human being does not exist and will never exist. To follow that whisper from within is our obligation. Why to show him your back, do you not know that when you not follow it you are showing back to yourself. The reason to not following it is probably because they are afraid what would other people talk about them if they start to follow it. But why even to be like the majority of the people. Look around yourself, what do you see ? Don’t you see that majority of the people are working 9-5 jobs just to pay the bills, what does it stays at the end of the month. A bit or nothing, you need to borrow. And then why to be like the majority to struggle with little. Why not start asking yourself a questions one more time so you can improve yourself, so you can take everything you ever wanted, to have the abundance in every aspect of your life. Yes the people which are abundant in this life, and which are financially free are the people which followed they hearth. Those are the people who never gave up on themselves, who always believed in themselves, even in the moments of the doubt they somehow prevail and they pushed trough that pain and they continued to believe in themselves. The process is called the process of building the unbreakable character. And how can you have an unbreakable character if you are going against that Voice, if you are going against yourself. You cant, thats the reason why you should start doing it and no matter what comes upon you, never lose the faith, in Your God and in Yourself. Thanks for reading and God Bless you in every aspect of you life !

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