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Walking The Road of The Truth

Walking The Road of The Truth

The life is nothing else then the truth. But to live the truth it takes a courage. Thats the reason why most of the people never do it. The thing is, that at the start we all lived the life in truth, when we were born. But what happened ? The thing is that as a kids we are actually learning to act like a society like our surrounding. Majority of the people these days sadly lives the life in lies. The reason for it is that it is easier to live it. To live the life in truth we need to be humble, but there are so many positive aspects to live the life in the truth. One of them is that, living the life in the truth we are actually living in reality. On the contrary the one who is living the life in lie is not living in reality, he is living in his own world in a world full of lies. The fact is that truth is going to hurt us, but only if we decide that truth is going to be painful for us. What if we decide to look at the truth from another perspective, if we decided that the truth is going to show us in which aspect of life we need to improve ourself's. The lie is nothing else as the self defense mechanism but sadly the negative one. The best mechanism ever made is a truth. Truth is that when we start to live the truth we are not going to have so many friends, but those that we have, are going to be the honest ones. We cannot make lies until infinity. Lie is nothing else then a big balloon which with time is going to explode. And what happens then, when the balloon explodes. We are going to feel enormous pain, was it not better that in the moments when we wanted to lie we actually decided to speak the truth and show that we are not perfect, that we are nothing else then a human being, an imperfect one, to be humble. In those moments even if the truth is going to hurt us, its not going to hurt us so much as it will when the balloon explodes. Also another positive aspect of truth is that, in the truth we are able to set ourselves a goal in the right way. And when we set that goal, that thing which we wish to achieve in life, because we are living the life in truth, we are going to be aware of our mistakes. Because first we are honest with ourselves and then we are honest with other human beings. The one which lives the life in truth is, the one who ask himself a lot of questions. And trough those questions he is getting the answers if he is on the good road to achieve hes goal or not. And if not, what are the improvements he needs to take. The answer is always going to be honest because we are asking ourselves, we are talking with ourselves. Thats probably reason why majority of the people stop asking themselves a question. Because they would not like the answer they get. But how can we be person, how can we be human beings, how can we be human becomings, if we are not able to look someone straight in to the eyes when we are talking with him, to show him respect looking him or she in the eyes when we are talking, and speaking only the truth and nothing else then a truth. Are those not foundations of the life, are those not the real values everyone of us should have ? Or we are living in the place where the truth is so bad, where it is forbidden even to speak ? Thanks for reading and God Bless You !!!

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