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The Traces of Truth

The Traces of Truth

The truth is that the one which is living the life of truth sees the world just how the world is. Also, the truth is that every human being lives in his own world, in his own reality. To live the truth it takes courage, it takes to not be afraid what others are going to think or speak about you. The fact is that people are only talking what they think in that particular moments, and if they words are negative we can also know what for human beings they are. But when one starts to live the truth he sees the reality just the way reality actually is. Reality is huge word, and it can mean everything. But to explain what do I have on my mind, it means that you are taking the things, your eyes are seeing the things just the way they are, also you are seeing in what mood other people are, you are able to read the body language, you are able to read between the words, really there is huge amount of benefits when one starts to live the life in truth. Now, one could ask himself what does it take to start living the truth, what does it takes to stop lying ? First of all, to be honest with others, you should first be honest with yourself. The most dangerous thought you can have is that you are perfect and that you know everything. Because those are the limits you are setting upon yourself consciously or unconsciously. Because both of those thoughts are lies, the perfect human being does not exist, and you can never know everything, when our experience on this planet which we call Earth is actually to learn and experience new things. Every day we are learning new things through our senses. When one is honest with himself, then he can also accept these two thoughts, that he is not perfect and that he will never be, that he is going to chase perfection but he will never be able to catch it. The second one is that, the only thing you know is that you know nothing. This second thought is particularly beautiful because trough this thought you are going to become life long student, but these time consciously. You see when you start living the truth and these two thoughts, you are starting to work on yourself. Why to even try to change others when that bring contra effects every time, why to fight against others when the only fight you should have is against yourself. Changing yourself you are also changing others, you are becoming the inspiration for others. The truth is that, it is never easy to work on yourself, but through that you are developing the power of your will, but also you are on the way of self mastery. And the only virtue we all human being should master is ourselves. The hardest of virtues, but the only one which brings so much in return. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !

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