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The Way of The Most POWERFUL Habit on The World

Living a Life Full of Happiness

We live in hard world, in a world where most of the people are just thinking about how they can use us. Thats the truth, you can see it or you even don’t need to, its your decision. And what do to when you notice that you live in such a dangerous world. Nothing else then to fight back, fight back for yourself and your happiness. Nothing else then to decide that its enough, enough to live the average life, enough to live from today until tomorrow, enough to be fine with all those little pieces of the cake, nothing else then that you wish the whole cake. And what happens when one brings such a decision. I not don’t how many people bring such a decision on daily basis or even on five or ten years basis but I can tell you what happens. You are starting to work on yourself, you are starting to transform yourself, to discipline yourself, to become a better, and what will you become its not even matter, because you will become really dangerous human being. The one which posses the full control upon himself, upon his feelings, upon his mind. You will start seeing the life trough other eyes, they eyes of truth, they eyes which shows that even they are trying to use you they are weak, they lack the power of the will, they even forget that the power of the will exist and how to use it and the truth is that we all have it and everyone knew about it, but it was not so important to memorize it. But not you, your eyes are open, your eyes are looking direct in to the other eyes, in to the other human soul. And what do you see ? You see that there are few which have a courage to look you in to the eyes and they are many who try to hide themselves, to hide they true character, they soul. But not your soul, your soul is free like the young bird who just learned how to fly, a bird which just leaned that there are no limits, and that we can be our best enemy or our best friends. To love yourself is the only right thing to do, to forgive yourself but also to other just to have the peace of mind is so precious these days. The best argument is not to have one, because when you let another human being to win against you, not only that you learned how to be humble, but you also learned the ways of victory against that human being without saying him what do you think. Ah that goal, that shiny future, you are feeling every day that you are nearer and nearer that there are only few steps away and you are already there. But even you know that the day will come when everything is going to become true, you will continue to work on yourself and even when you reach it, even when you achieve it, there will not be a way to stop it because it will become your habit. The best habit one can develop., THE MOST POWERFUL HABIT ON THE WORLD. Thanks for reading and God Bless you in every aspect of your Life !!

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