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Labeling Others As a Characteristic


So many marks, so many bad words did I get in my life. But to be honest I can say that I'm grateful for them, because they made me stronger, because they made my eyes wide open. Because I learned what human being are, what is in they nature, at least what is in they nature, these days. And every morning when I woke up, I motivate myself, I say to myself that today is a beautiful day, that I am grateful for my existence, for waking up, for getting one more opportunity to live my life just like I wish it to live. But then I'm in the process of developing the will power. I'm in the process of doing things I don’t like to do, just to see that I can beat myself, just to see that trough the discipline I am able to push trough. Limits, Pff, they do not exist in my mind. The only thing I see is a peak and the end goal. The truth is that time to time they try to hurt me, just like in the old days, but somehow I think that there does not exist anymore someone who can hurt me, at least not mentally. Its about self-defense, self help. The path of self improvement is also the path of self-help. Why to be an enemy to myself when I can be my best friend. That self confidence that I developed is so strong, not in the way that I think that I know everything, on the contrary the only thing I know is that I don’t know a thing. One of the positive thoughts I would say because thinking in that way I will stay a life long student. I will always seek the improvement, and trough the power of learning process I can only see new shiny perspectives, perspective which are going to help on my path, on my path of success. To live the truth is the best decision I ever made. Some of them are afraid of the truth but in my case I get used to it, it became my habit. Why to live the life in the lies, when life in truth brings not only inner peace but it also allows you to see the reality just the way she is. The negative feedbacks that I get from other people when you think a bit better if the feedbacks are about you are only going to show you how you can improve yourself. It's a precious information, the one that helps you to become a better human being. At the end, to be brutally honest everything is about the perspective, about trough what eyes are you looking at the world, trough the negative ones or the positive ones. Because at the end you are what you think about. Stay Blessed.

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