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A Moment of Cognition

A Moment of Cognition

They say that we only live once, the most deepest lie ever spoken trough someone teeth's. The truth is that we live every day, ever hour, every minute, every second. WE ONLY DIE ONCE. The most important thing in my life until now is that I discovered the moment, that I discovered myself. Seizing every moment just like I wish it to do became a blessing. The gift which is given to me is called self-consciousness. They say its a gift and really it is, but its also a curse. As a self-conscious you see everything, your senses are so sharp that you really notice all little details. Human deception does not stand a chance on you. Your mind is like a razor blade, so sharp, so able to calculate, to see in the future. Its like you became the most sophisticated computer on the planet. Its not that you are only listening what someone is talking but you are also hearing how the sentence is build, you notice the words which give a power to the sentence, honestly you notice everything. Your eyes are like not from this planet, your eyes are taking everything to reality, you are seeing all those little detail you did not see before. When you talk with someone its not only that you are looking always in to his eyes but your eyes are also taking his movements, hes whole body language. You notice the emotions, on others. Because you are aware of the power of the words, when you are talking to someone you also know how to use those words, to lead him in a way you wish that he is leaded, but not you, no one is able to lead you because you learned how to lead yourself, how to be captain of your faith, master of your soul, boss of your dreams, king of your goals. Its like you are immune on everything, and that gives you so much courage. Its not ego issue because you would not be able to win against yourself and become the master of your soul, because when you master your soul you also master your ego. When you are talking with someone and hes trying to seduce you, you are already at the end of the story before he was able to speak it out. And you are just hanging there and listening carefully and waiting when he is going to come until the end. Honestly I do not believe to no one except to myself and in myself. Because I know whats in me. The others are going to say me what they think, but mostly they will never say whats inside of them. Probably because they are not aware of it, and even if they are they are afraid of it, they are afraid of themselves. But not me, I'm living from within to without. Consciousness, that beautiful consciousness when you know that you are not perfect and that you will never be, but you are going to improve yourself, work on yourself, change your bad habits for the good ones. They call us crazy, because they do not understand. We all wish to become someone, but mostly people never try to achieve it. But on your last day of your life on this planet, believe it or not you are going to become introduced to that person, you will see all the possibilities you had and you didn't use, is that the way you wish to die ? Honestly I don’t think so, thats the reason why this state of mind is a gift, because you can consciously just like a little baby always improve yourself and climb the mountain and hoping that trough the hard work and persistence you are going to conquer that peak. After all, they say that the hope in us is the last thing to die in us, that she is going to die just a tiny little moment before we do, and that then our soul is going to become free one more time. Because that is the death, nothing else, Its a separation soul from the body, from this fragile body. Sad thing about human beings is that we slowly dieing from the moment we are born. Thats the reason why the moments became so important, because from the day you were born'ed your ultimate destiny is to die, why then not to live the way you wish to live, why to turn back on yourself and act that you are someone else. Believe in yourself, and be yourself, after all, you are only visiting this world in the body you posses now one time, make it count, make every moment count as the last one, because you can never know when your time is going to come. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !!

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