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Anti-System Settings

Anti-System Settings

Living in this world, on this planet can be really beautiful, only if we would allow it to ourselves. But somehow looking on the other people, looking on how they are behaving on the streets, everything I see is that they are all disappointed in life, that they are struggling only to survive. Because the system is not giving anything in return, the only thing he is doing is that he is taking from us. And what can you do when you see that everything is only negative. The only thing to do is to start thinking one more time, to activate your mind, to take control over your thought process and to accomplish everything you ever wanted out of yourself. I know, if you are looking at it out of the system perspective its forbidden, its forbidden to think with your head, with your mind. But deep down inside of me I know thats the only way to avoid mediocre, to avoid average life, no matter what others are going to say. Because what stays to us at the end of the Month ? First we need to pay taxes and bills, and what stays for us, little or nothing. You know they say that it takes courage to chase your dreams, but dream written on the peace of the pare becomes a goal, and goal divided in to the steps become the plan, the path you need to take to accomplish your dream. Its actually simple like that, and they don’t learn us about this things in the school. But why ? The explanation is quiet logical. They do not wish to learn us, because its dangerous, because we could not be controlled, we would have a path we follow. And when you are lost you cant have a path, thats the reason why they are there, to show us the path, to control us. And what are the results of that path, fighting for your life, getting used on the pieces. NEVER MORE. The cake is what my hearth seeks, for which my soul burns. Its a dangerous game, but the games name is a circle. What goes around comes around. You know, they need us, to pay taxes, to pay in to the retirement fond, and what do they do with our retirement found ? They are investing it in another things, or using it for something else, and we don’t even know for what ? Do you really thing that it is right to not know where your money is going, I personally don’t think so. To start thinking one more time, one of the best ways is to start reading one more time. But not the easy things, the hard things, where you need to thing about, to understand what did you just read. Yes it will take time, but with the time you are going to get used to it, and every book you read is going to be like a story, like a beautiful complete thought in your mind. Somehow everything becomes so simple when one is powered with the goal in his life, first of all one is so focused on that particular thing that there is no place for negative feelings, for anxiety, because the one is powered with faith and hope, because only those two feelings of course with the felling of love are the one of the purest and strongest feelings of all the feelings out there. Then when one learns how to think, one also learns how to control his feelings. But to reprogram yourself, to become better you need to mix your thought with your feeling. More powerful your feeling is more powerful your thought is going to be and that thought is directly penetrating in to your subconscious mind, that thought is forming you, your new habit. Thats also the reason why we all should stop fighting against each others and start fighting against ourselves, because learning the self-control, learning the self mastery, not only is going to change your from your roots, but also is going to develop your will power, the only power which you need to accomplish your goals and give a slap to the system which is using us, every day, every month. Lets be hones, we are selling our precious time on our bosses and we don’t even get a thanks in return. Its not that we are having unlimited amount of time on this planet, thats only one reason why they should be grateful but the second and the most important reason is because we are working for them, because our monthly salary is earned in 2-3 hours and then fir the rest of the Month we are making someone else rich. Why ? Is it fair ? I don’t think so, thats the reason I am fighting against everything and I will never quit. Follow my way the way of self-mastery and God Bless you in every aspect of your life !

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