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- The Life -

- The Life -

They say that life is thug, but I’m the beast. Life without the action is thug one. But why even to live life without the action ? I honestly can say it’s dangerous because ones when one takes no action, not taking action with the time becomes your habit, and as a result with a time you are going to find yourself in big problems. On the contrary life on the purpose is the only right way of living. Because of the purpose you are going to be motivated to woke up earlier in the morning, to take actions you need to take to achieve, to reach your goals. Sad thing about human beings these days is that most of them are living just from today until tomorrow. They say you can never know what brings the future, one of the biggest lies. Because if you have a plan for the future you also know how does the future life looks like. They call it stoicism, stoic way of life but I call it only self-discipline, because to reach that shiny future one needs to work for it, to show every day and to put in the work, no matter in what mental, emotional or psychical state you are. It's thug as you can see but when it becomes your habit you became thug, because you are used to do thug things on autopilot. To ignore yourself would be the ultimate failure and somehow that is what the majority is doing. You can never become someone else because you are you, only one as you exist on the whole planet. You are the rarest diamond of all rarest diamonds out there. If you allow yourself to shine no one will be able to shine as you, because your shine is special, because you are special. To allow yourself to be what you really are it takes courage, most of people are going to call you crazy, or that you need to be crazy to allow it to yourself but thats only because they do not understand it and how could they if they are ignoring themselves. But not you, you are different, you are that shiny new star which is born and which is waiting patiently for your special moment, your moment to shiny. With the self-confidence and enough persistence your time will come and it will be just like in your wildest dreams. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !!

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