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- This Road -

- This Road -

The white wind is blowing on the red colored face. Taking the feelings away, taking the heat of human body, transforming him in something different, something which he needs to become, because hes following the Path of his God and thats the quest which is given upon him, the only important quest he can have in his life. Throwing the soul in the deepest corner of Hades, locking the little child in a dungeon, where no scream comes out. The little child which is inspiration, which soul is the honest one, the one which only wishes to play, to learn new things. Thirst for the informations is enormous, just like when the stranger is lost in the desert and who is with the last atom of his energy searching for the oasis. The one where hes soul is going to drink. Home, sweet home. In the last corner of the dungeon the child is remembering how was it home, how was it to woke up every morning where the whole home was already warm, where he was protected from reality, from all those wraiths, the wraiths which only wish to seduce him and corrupt his honest soul. Sometime time comes when the child needs to leave his home, not because he wish to do it but because he must. The little, happy child took only his whisper within and honesty with himself. Wraiths would say to little but the child knows that those are the only things he needs. Whisper to follow because hes the one which shows the way, the path, how to come there where he is going and the truth as a sword stuck in to the stone. Sword which is connected with the stone, became one with him, the one which is not used so many years but waiting with the patience when will the child remember to pull it out, because the child is the only one who is proven to carry it. Waiting on the holy moment when the whisper and the sword are going to become one, one more time. When they will shine like they did never before and to bring the light in the deepest corner of Hades where the little child is waiting with the tear in his eye and preparing himself for the times when everything is going to be over, when the time will come to go home one more time and to sing his favorite song which he always did. Thanks for reading !

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