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- Braking The Chains of Society -

- Braking The Chains of Society -

From the day you change your perspective your whole life is going to change. There are so many perspectives, unlimited amount of them, you just need to find the real one, the one which suits you the best. As a conscious human being you can also consciously change your perspective. Everything is in your mind. To let yourself to be controlled from it is the ultimate mistake you can make, but willingly you can change it. Trough the power of you will you can take the control over your mind. In the case that you are able to achieve it or to reach that level of consciousness you are becoming nothing else then the observer of your own thoughts. The thoughts are powerful, they are forming us, they are shaping our reality, but if you don’t like your mentality, your perspective, you can change it trough the power of your imagination. If we look systematically to do something like that is forbidden, because if forbidden to use your imagination but the thing is that when we are imagining new things because those things we are imagining are nothing else then the thoughts, we are shaping, changing our reality. Majority these days is locked in the prison of they own mind and only way to break the chains is to leave the comfort zone, to change the bad habit for instance. Because everything we are visualizing with the feelings is going sooner or later become our reality. That’s the reason that we need to not only control our own mind but also our feelings. To show the feelings is to be vulnerable, because human beings are cruel human beings and they are going to use your own feelings against you, ofcourse if you allow it. In the caste that you are not controlling your feelings you are unconsciously be manipulated, controlled. That’s the reason why every human being who established control one is never going to let the control away. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !

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