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- Changes -

- Changes -

The life can be beautiful if we decide that we are not going to settle with nothing else then the beautiful. When we are talking about changes, when we are talking about changing you life for 180 degree then we are not talking about changes but we are talking about unlimited amount of courage. The thing is that everyone knows that is it that one needs to change on himself, to become better, but when we are talking about realizing those things, bringing them into reality then we are talking about courage, about ultimate degree of courage called fight against yourself.   The thing is that to change yourself as a grown human being you need willingly be ready to suffer, to consciously leave your comfort zone. That’s the reason why most of the people are not ready to do it. But what is a pain ? Is it not just a feeling just like happiness, just another type of feeling. You know more you are ready to live your comfort zone, more you are ready to suffer, more you are going to get used on the feeling, on the pain. The pain is full of benefits at least when the mental health comes in the question. It’s not important what you wish to achieve in life If you are not willing to leave the comfort zone, to experience the pain, to enjoy in it, then you are also never going to change. On the contrary if you consciously push yourself, you will see that its noting else then the mind game, game of your thoughts and that when you learn to empower yourself, your life, with better thoughts, soon you are going to succeed with the thing you wish to change. Your mind is powerful but not powerful as a power of the will. Learn to use it and conquer yourself and you will see that everything is possible. Thanks for reading and have a nice day !

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