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- NOW or NEVER -

- Now or Never -

The truth is that to achieve everything we wish in life we need to work for it. We need to give value to the word and providing the value you are going to be benefited. But if you are saying to yourself, I have a time, I am going to start with it tomorrow, or I don’t have a money to start with it, then you are mistaken my friend. The best and the most perfect moment to start with anything you wish to start is NOW. Now is the most perfect moment which exist. Our mind is marvelous but most of the time hes the reason why to we not do things which we wish to do. Before we make a decision that we are delaying things until tomorrow we have a 5 sec window to change that decision. If we know that we should do something, when the thought came in to our mind, we need to attack it automatically, start doing it in that particular moment because if we do not start do it in that moment after 5 seconds our mind is going to take the control over us, and we are going to be automatically leaded by our mind, and our mind, because most of the time he does not wish to leave the comfort zone, is going to betray us. As you can see our mind is really powerful enemy and to control it its not easy task. The thing is that, our body is habitual thing, and if we have some bad habit which we wish to change then we also need to change our way of thinking. The truth is that when we are speaking about habits that they are integrated part of us, the one which is working automatically, because its a habit. That means that the moves which our body is doing are saved in our subconscious mind, and to win against it, to win against the habit, in the moment when you are thinking about that particular thing you need to attack the other side of the coin, you need to attack the change. Only so you are going to become self-aware, only so you are going to be able to win against it. The truth is that leaving comfort zone you are consciously going on the place where the sweat and a bit pain are waiting on you, but with the time that pain and that sweat because human being are habitual beings, is going to become normal, that means that you are going to grow as a human being. That also means that you moved your own limits, but that should not be the end, when you notice that your body is used on the new habit, because you will replace the bad habit with the positive one, the only right thing to do is to keep growing, to always move your limits, to always grow. Thanks for reading !

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